
Undocumented in source.


This unittest can be @safe if the allocator has @safe functions

import stdx.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
import std.algorithm: move;

struct Point {
    int x;
    int y;

    // must pass arguments to initialise the contained object
    auto u1 = Unique!(Point, Mallocator)(2, 3);
    assert(*u1 == Point(2, 3));
    assert(u1.y == 3);

    // auto u2 = u1; // won't compile, can only move
    typeof(u1) u2 = u1.move;
    assert(cast(bool)u1 == false); // u1 is now empty
// memory freed for the Point structure created in the block

    auto s1 = RefCounted!(Point, Mallocator)(4, 5);
    assert(*s1 == Point(4, 5));
    assert(s1.x == 4);
        auto s2 = s1; // can be copied
    } // ref count goes to 1 here

} // ref count goes to 0 here, memory released

    // the constructor can also take (size, init) or (size, range) values
    auto arr = UniqueArray!(Point, Mallocator)(3);

    const Point[3] expected1 = [Point(), Point(), Point()]; // because array literals aren't @nogc
    assert(arr[] == expected1);

    const Point[1] expected2 = [Point()];
    arr.length = 1;
    assert(*arr == expected2); //deferencing is the same as slicing all of it

    arr ~= UniqueArray!(Point, Mallocator)(1, Point(6, 7));
    const Point[2] expected3 = [Point(), Point(6, 7)];
    assert(arr[] == expected3);

} // memory for the array released here
with(theTestAllocator) {
    auto ptr = Unique!int(42);
    assert(*ptr == 42);
// TestAllocator will throw here if any memory leaks
